Bertie and the Mermaid
This time I want to read cute story.
So, I had choose this story.
This story is an account of a dream.
THe hero is prince and hiroin is mermade!!
I think this combinatoin is the best other love storise.
But, they had bad impression each other at the start.
I had many mistake like a this case.
This story is very simple but, it was show us very improtant.
Did you make a mistake llike a fixed idea?
Please, try more charange!!
When I studying comparative culter, my proffeser said"Please don't stop thnking"
"Please thinking more and more".
If you stop thinking about easy to you but, very dangerous!!
See y0u next time(●V●)/
***I couldn't understood word ***
comb :くし
(combing her hair)
(when Sadie the Swan gasped)
(Oh My, a real mermaid, right here on our pond.
Isn’t she the most wonderful creature you ever did see?”
Bertie spat out)
(Mermade they’re no better than sirens)
(No she jolly well isn’t.)
(Unfortunately the mermaid overheard Bertie and she was rather put out.)
fist :げんこつ、握りこぶし
(She shook her little fist at him.)
(If I’m not appreciated around here I’ll pack up and go back
to the seaside thank you very much)
(Good Riddance)
(made minuscule little splashes that hardly anyone could hear.)
rude :無礼な、
(If anyone’s going to be rude and horrible around here – it’s me. )
There there dear: 慰めること upset:不快な、落ち込むこと
There there dear. Don’t be upset by that smelly old frog.
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