I will wittte comment first styory.
"Thumbelina"→親指姫 http://storynory.com/2009/04/20/thumbelina/
I have read this story when I was little child.
But, now I vaguely remembe this story.
And I decided then.
Firstry, I though pronunciation is difficult for me.
Because, I hard in "Storynory" She said British Endlish.
Secondly, this story has one famous girl.
Her name is Thumbelina.
She is very little and beautiful.
But !!
She was stolen by frog and after that she escape them.
After that, she go tlaveling anywhere someone likes.
When I was reading this story, I thought everyone tlaveling
anywhere in their's life.
This story is full of meat as an egg.
Finaly, She found "where is the best position".
***I couldn't understood word***
ugly : 醜い、不細工な
(ugly language )
bitterly : ひどく、激しく
(I cried bitterly when my team lost the championsip game.)
marsh : 沼、湿地
(marsh ecosystem)
delight : 楽しみ、喜び
(She has some friends who delight in hearing from her.)
Oh , dear : あらまぁ~
(Oh, dear! Let me see.)
miserable : わずかな、悲惨な
(Miserable life of the large family whit a small income.)
swallow : 飲み込む
(swallow ~ with food)
farewell : ご機嫌よう
(farewell reception)
cautious : 用心深い、注意する
(extremely cautious : Be~念には念を)
obstinate : 頑固な、強情な
(obstanate old man)
今回はここまで、See y0u next time \(●A●)/ AB \(◎U◎)/
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